Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Common forum provides platform to both the Political Party/Candidates and Voters to Campaign and listen respectively.The opportunity to communicate respective manifestos,introduce party mission and vision and values can be addressed through the gathering. The mode of communication is National Language, however the people can grasp as most of people know and understand the Language. The turn over can be improved over the time with awareness and advocacy on the importance of democracy. The coincidence with busy schedule of summer season was the reason for low turn over, however voters were reminded of the importance of such forum and foregoing few hours to attend will be very significant to them and their community and Country in general.
My request to people is to participate in all CF and vote for best.

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My course was for 54 days in Japan i left Bhutan on 6th January 2010. Just in the beginning of the new year to pursue my training in Local Government Administration and Public Services. The First week was a general introduction about Japanese economy, people, culture, lifestyle, language and background of Japan to make easier our life and lectures that follow on. It was difficult time though i had very good lecturer Professor Kawamura sensei who help us trough the course and lecture and also a cordial and kind coordinators and helpful and cooperative senior co-participants representing Pakistan (Mr. Asraf san and Tariq san), Nepal ( Mr. Buppal san and Wasti san), India ( mani san), Bangladesh ( Joardar san, Alam san and Rahman San) an finally from Bhutan me and Dorji san.we had good time in the class and off the class in weekends too visiting places and sharing our professional and personal experiences and country background too.
We visited many places as part of observatory trip and learned a lot yet i was longing to go back to country.
The time for closing ceremony came and we gathered in orientation room on 5th March to certify us for completing the course and many people sharing their experinces on the closing remarks. on that very moment my heart began to beat with mixed emotion. our group gathered in another room for closing party headed by Kawamura sensei, Coordinator Kinashi san, Mori, Takama san and other Japanese ladies. There was interaction and final words from every one wishing each other say ADIEU......
Ahhhhhhhhhhh i wish there was some more time to be together. That's universal law and truth that every meeting is followed by departure and yet the very departure is an opportunity for another step towards meeting. Yet the moment that don't long for......
Yet i have to leave the moment is there and the heart was very heavy i couldn't lift it. I would like to thank sensei for supporting , guiding and teaching us in class and out of class loving caring and enjoying with us.And not forgetting Mori san and Tamaka san who were very supportive, who cared more than their children and supported and directed us many occasion, Our training coodinator for arranging all the trip and necessary arrangement durin our saty Kinashi san we thank you too.
To reflect back some of the memories and observation of Japan, i found people are guided and bound by time, which contribute to self discipline and self respect which has ripple effect to may people and organization development ans economy as a whole. their dedication to work makes them more successful. The infrastructure is we developed and managed, people are cordial and kind yet they are busy. The Rural people have every aspects of urban life, farming system are mechanized and everything is systematic, places are beautiful, have rich culture and heritages. kyoto prefecture well known for its culture and heritages makes a hot spot for tourism. Their bitter experience in war had developed a new strategy to get away from world and develops towards peace making. The seed of peace is sown in the hearts of every people and young generation through the tragic experiences of war and atom bombing and the fruits of peace has reaped in japan and their effort towards peace keeping will also have an impact on the other parts of the worlds and the planet.
Yet i don't have special words to thank and express my thanks to all the people of japan and those closely worked with us during our stay.
I will miss the days and that will be the past memories now yet "PAST MEMORIES ARE THE SWEETEST FLOWER IN THE GARDEN OF FRIENDSHIP" and i will nurture this keeping in touch with you all.....
WILL MISS YOU JAPAN....MY PROFESSOR AND COORDINATORS who lived like a family and felt like a home away from home....
ahhh......... SEE YEA and happy days ahead and a good life......
We use to use the statement "be on JAPANESE TIME", because we believe that Japanese are punctual and very strict of time. May be in our context the most common of crime is KILLING time, and on the contrary Japanese race against the time. Time is so precious and time is money for them and it will be for every one who respect time and trap the time for doing something good and positive. My opinion on their success and the economic growth ,climbing on top would be highly correlated to the time they spend in their organization and work. My friends and mates use to talk why they are all rushing and running always, when we saw them running in the rail way stations. we had no idea till.......we were in the same eituation once. We had field trip to one of the prefecture and when we return back, we hard just few minutes even less than 5 minutes to catch bus back to the centre where we stay, so we were running and fortunately able to catch the bus by few seconds earlier, puffing ourself....
We siad we felt like we are Japanese and knew that why are they always running and in hurry. Everything in Japan is revolved around the time to name few, starting from transportation to appointments.If we miss abus or a train by slightest os second you miss it, and you miss everything thereafter,....its in chain if u miss one you miss another because you are working with time and if time goes ahead of you, then you are left behind.
If we respect time, it makes us to respect all, who are around us and the success factor will be high. It develops our self respect and decipline and the ripple effectof this self respect and self decipline is beyond the boundry of our thoughts. It creates a chain of respect, coordination, and at the end the success is all we get through these chain reaction.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The group were asked to prepare for a trip to Hiroshima visit. Next day we were boarding a shuttle bus from OSIC to Ibaraki JR and from there we went to Shin Osaka to board in the bullet train. After few more awaited minutes we boarded the bullet train which was once a fastest train on the planet. We reach the Hiroshima Prefecture and began our lectures and site visits in the afternoon. The visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Meseum next day reminded me of the very tragic history in the world. The history i learned in my shcool was just the tip of the information, and nothing more than that. The picture of atomic bombing and the video clips show how destructive a nuclear weapon is,and the 1945 atomic bombing has wiped out the population of Hiroshima and amongst that the lives of a very innocent children who were living there during the period and the effects of the nuclear weapons now.
Through this very tragic experience the people of Hiroshima has build a foundation of peace for all human kind. They have implanted the seeds of Peace in the hearts of every people living there and nurturing to reap the Fruit of Peace. The NPO works towards spreading the words of peace through the tragic historical experience. I would like to be part of them to spread my message to all, to work towards living in peace, so that the people on planet live happily and hand over our planet to the next genaration with more peace and tranquility. If the seed of peace is sowed in our heart, the fruits of peace wil be reaped.
Let there be PEACE on earth and PEACE only. My prayers for those who lost their lives are with them to rest their soul in peace.May God Bless us with PEACE.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The enthusiasm and eagerness to go out for training is dream for me and i was in a hurry to go out and see a new place and learn from the training. There was lots of burning eagerness in your mind and heart to go and see the new place. But once you are transported to another alien place through a sky route from your country, your burning flames of eagerness is no more and the flames are no more in your heart. Thats what human beings are, because they are not enlighten one and thats why we(I) are suffering in the samsara. You just think of when will be the time to go back and re-unite with your country and people.
Yet i am happy to have visited Japan. The country with huge infrastruture development and leading country in the world of developments. The People are racing against the time, there is no time for leisure, things are systematic, a very good transportation network where you feel that the car is not a swift means of transportation or a faster means of transportation. The Japan railway (JR) networks is so amazing that it covers all the major cities and towns with the net work which becomes complex for (us) me to go around the places. The language barrier made me difficult communicate and even travel around the places as words in public places are hardly written in English. with my very litlle lesson on Japanese language make the coversation complex even not understanding what am asking for.
The people are Budhist and Shinto...they have two religion.There are shrines for Shinto and Temple for buddhism. Kyoto Prefecture is famous for the tourist being a historical city. Its an Old capital of Japan and most traditional things and aspects of culture and heritage are located in Kyoto which makes them more famous to the world. The city has a good old cutural heritage of Shinto shrines and buddhist temples which has history of more than thousand years and centuries. The arts and craftsmanship are preserved and promoted and they are very keen on preserving and passing their cutural heritage to younger genartion which makes kyto prefecture a unique and a beautiful place to live.
On my participation in One world festival i met many japanese, and many whom i met with them Know about Bhutan and its beauty. Our peace and tranquility and the philosophy of GNH is a common things and the Attraction to the people. The philosophy betowed by our beloved Fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck and the Fifth King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck ( people's King) sacrifices all his time and strength to realise the GNH through the services our king provides to the people.
The people are friendly, yet its very difficult to communicate.
Monday, November 9, 2009
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